Cork Anti Poverty Resource Network (CAPRN)

Cork Anti Poverty Resource Network (CAPRN)
Churchfield Avenue

Not-For-Profit Information

Cork anti poverty resource network are a community-based organisation who aim to encourage and empower individuals to become active agents in shaping their own lives and communities. Currently, CAPRN is responsible for five Cork community-based projects, which consist of:

• Write Together: Adult Literacy Scheme.
• Mná Feasa: Domestic Violence Project.
• Women Supporting Women: A Mentoring Programme for Women Parenting Alone.
• Páisti @ No.3: Childcare facility.
• Cork City North Mature Women’s Action Group: Collective of Mature women working towards change.

Number of paid employees: 
21-50 employees
Current board size: 
Annual turnover: 
€250,000 - €500,000
Not-for-Profit focus: 
Local Community Development, Education, Training & Research


Office Address

Churchfield Avenue