CLAY - Crumlin Lower Advancing Youth Project

CLAY - Crumlin Lower Advancing Youth Project
31 Crumlin Rd
Dublin 12
Co Dublin

Not-For-Profit Information

Based in Lower Crumlin, we're a community based Youth Project. CLAY provides a range of services to enhance life skills and opportunities for young people in the area. The set of values which will guide the organisation in carrying out its mission statement are:

Young people-centered

This encompasses the idea of empowering young people by giving them skills and opportunities to make decisions and choices about themselves and their lives.

And that all decisions made in CLAY will have the young people at their centre.


This is based on a commitment to the principles of Youth Work.

And linked to the ideas of respect, understanding and openness.


Working together

This is related to the concepts of co-operation, solidarity, integration and cohesion - in terms of providing a service and working in unison for and with young people.



This is related to the point that the organisation has a purpose as described in the Mission Statement and that when work is being done it needs to be mindful of that purpose.
It is working against the idea of activities for activities sake.

Number of paid employees: 
1-5 employees
Current board size: 
Annual turnover: 
€500,000 - €1,000,000
Not-for-Profit focus: 


Office Address

31 Crumlin Rd
Dublin 12
Co Dublin