Polio Survivors Ireland

Polio Survivors Ireland
Coleraine House
Coleraine St
D07 E8XF
Dublin 7
Dublin 7

Not-For-Profit Information

We assist polio survivors by providing stair lifts, calipers, bespoke footwear, electric scooters and wheelchairs. We also help survivors access Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Respite Breaks, and we help those who need it with assistance with their heating bills.

We have a network of support groups around the country, we provide a telephone support service for those who have difficulty in leaving their home and we publish a magazine “The Survivor” three times a year.

Polio Survivors Ireland works tirelessly to:

• Create awareness of post polio syndrome

• Provide information on polio and its late effects

• Ensure the needs of polio survivors relating to their condition are met to
enable them to live with dignity

Any of the estimated 7,000 polio survivors in Ireland can contact the organisation for help

Our Mission is to create awareness and to provide information on the late effects of polio among polio survivors, statutory agencies and the wider medical profession, and to ensure that the needs of polio survivors relating to their condition are met to enable them to live with dignity.

Polio Survivors Ireland, formerly the Post Polio Support Group, was established for polio survivors by polio survivors. Founded in 1993 it is the only organisation in Ireland actively providing practical support (and sometimes more importantly a listening ear) to those unfortunate enough to have contracted polio when babies or young children. We’re a small charity yet we support almost 1,000 Polio Survivors across Ireland.

Number of paid employees: 
6-10 employees
Current board size: 
Annual turnover: 
€250,000 - €500,000
Not-for-Profit focus: 
Advocacy, Disability, Healthcare


Office Address

Coleraine House
Coleraine St
D07 E8XF
Dublin 7
Dublin 7