East Cork Rivers Trust

East Cork Rivers Trust
26 The Courtyard, Castle Redmond, Midleton, Cork
P25 K461
Co Cork

Not-For-Profit Information

The ECRT wishes to help return, or maintain where they are already, the rivers of East Cork into wild, healthy, natural rivers that are valued by all sectors and members of the East Cork community. The ECRT will focus our efforst on all water courses in the Tibbotstown, Owenacurra, Womanagh and Farrannamangh sub-catchments of the Lee, Cork Harbour and Youghal Bay Catchment. We will work to assess the health and ecological, water quality and hydromorphological (physical structure, river banks and river beds) state of these water courses and work to protect, promote, and enhance our fthem for the benefit of both the people and wildlife of East Cork

Number of paid employees: 
0 employees
Current board size: 
Annual turnover: 
€0 - €50,000
Not-for-Profit focus: 
Environment Sustainability


Office Address

26 The Courtyard, Castle Redmond, Midleton, Cork
P25 K461
Co Cork