Christ Church Cathedral

Christ Church Cathedral
Christ Church Cathedral
Christchurch Place
D08 TF98
Dublin 8
Dublin 8

Not-For-Profit Information

Christ Church Cathedral is a charity engaged in heritage conservation and charitable giving. We are a non for profit organisation with an annual turnover of €1.6 million. Our income source is mainly from visitor door income and event income. All profits are put towards fabric maintenance and conservation. The charity is governed by a board of directors which meets on a monthly basis.

Number of paid employees: 
51-250 employees
Current board size: 
Over 15
Annual turnover: 
€1,000,000 - €5,000,000
Not-for-Profit focus: 
Arts, Culture, Heritage, Science


Office Address

Christ Church Cathedral
Christchurch Place
D08 TF98
Dublin 8
Dublin 8