ActionAid Ireland

ActionAid Ireland
172 Ivy Exchange
Granby PLace, Parnell Square
Dublin 1

Not-For-Profit Information

We are a global movement of people working together to promote social justice, equality and to defeat poverty. We focus on women and children; supporting women in a community has a powerful effect on everybody, lifting up their children, their families and future generations. We provide long term support to women and their children in developing countries, so they can overcome the obstacles holding them back.

Across the world, women and girls’ rights are affected the most by poverty. From the moment they are born, girls face inequalities and injustice in almost every aspect of their lives. We make sure girls go to and stay in school. We work with communities to end gender-based violence. And we train women in the skills they need to earn a living.

ActionAid Ireland's Women’s Rights Programme funded by Irish Aid and implemented in Ethiopia, Kenya and Nepal uses an innovative approach to positively change mindsets, attitudes and subsequently behaviours to ensure women & girls live their lives free of discrimination.

Number of paid employees: 
11-20 employees
Current board size: 
Annual turnover: 
€1,000,000 - €5,000,000
Not-for-Profit focus: 
Advocacy, Civil and Human Rights, Community Welfare & Social Services, Education, Training & Research, Environment Sustainability, Local Community Development, Poverty Relief



Office Address

172 Ivy Exchange
Granby PLace, Parnell Square
Dublin 1