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Anew Support Services CLG is a registered charity that provides practical and emotional support to pregnant women and new mothers who are experiencing homelessness. The women we work with come from diverse backgrounds and include careleavers, migrants and members of the travelling community.

Anew are currently seeking Directors with skills in Finance, HR, Maternity Services, Academia and HR to join the Board. Directors are charged with the governance of the organisation; the role includes value led leadership, strategic planning, risk management, maintaining financial sustainability and compliance while ensuring the charity operates to advance it's charitable purpose.

Anew's board meetings take place approximately eight times a year, on a Saturday morning, mostly on Zoom with occasional "in person" meetings held either in Dublin or Kildare. The CEO attends all Board meetings.

There are currently two sub-committees of the Board; the Audit and Risk Committee and the Strategy Committee. These committees have set Terms of Reference and are made up of three Directors. The Audit and Risk Committee generally meets the week before each Board Meeting via Zoom.  The CEO and one senior staff member attend sub-committee meetings.  

Anew has declared full compliance to the Charities Regulator's Governance Code and it's current board includes seven Directors with legal, management, risk, homeless services, property management and corporate backgrounds.