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General financial oversight
–  Oversee and present budgets, accounts and financial statements to the management committee
–  Liaise with designated staff about financial matters
–  Ensure that appropriate financial systems and controls are in place
–  Ensure that record-keeping and accounts meet the conditions of funders or statutory bodies
–  Ensure compliance with relevant legislation

Funding and fundraising
–  Advise on the organisation’s fundraising strategy
–  Ensure use of funds complies with conditions set by funding bodies
–  Ensure fundraising  complies with relevant legislation and is bound by effective financial systems and controls
–  Ensure effective monitoring and reporting

Financial planning and budgeting
–  Prepare and present budgets for new or ongoing work
–  Advise on financial implications of strategic and operational plans
–  Present revised financial forecasts based on actual spend.

Financial reporting
–  Present regular reports on the organisation’s financial position
–  Prepare accounts for audit and liaising with the auditor, as required
–  Present accounts at the AGM
–  Advise on the organisation’s reserves and investment policy

Banking, book-keeping and record-keeping
–  Manage bank accounts
–  Set up appropriate systems for book-keeping, payments, lodgements & petty cash
–  Ensure everyone handling money keeps proper records and documentation

Control of fixed assets and stock
–  Ensure proper records are kept
–  Ensure required insurances are in place
–  Advising on investment policy

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Published on 11.07.2024

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