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Carr's Child and Family Services, a registered charity first established in 1887, is funded by Tusla and Pobal to provide assessment and support to children and their families. The organisation works with over twenty-five families whose children range in age from birth to five years. The team is highly trained in assessment, trauma and family support. 

We are recruiting a Chair to lead the Board as it starts its four-year strategic plan. In particular, we are looking for a Chair who will:

  • Ensure the effective operation of the Board and its committees in conformity with the highest standards of corporate governance and the Memorandum of Association.
  • Set the agenda, style and tone of Board discussions to promote constructive debate and effective decision-making.
  • Build an effective and complementary Board, initiating change and planning succession.
  • Ensure the Board fully identifies, addresses, and agrees on all significant strategic issues.
  • Promote effective relationships and communications between Directors.
  • Ensure that the performance of the Board, its main committees and individual directors are formally evaluated annually.
  • Provide supervision and support to the CEO.
  • Chair board meetings monthly on-site or remotely