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Trustee with Legal expereince

We are seeking a Director for our Voluntary Board of Directors with legal expertise.. This is due to the retirement of a Director with expertise in the legal field and we are looking to replace this skill on the Board. Currently our Board comprises of Directors with the following relevant experience, Governance, Organisational Development, PR, Quality Assurance, HR, Community, Compliance and Childcare.

Kildare County Childcare Committee was established in 2001 KCCC strives to ensure that early childhood is understood as a significant and distinct time in life that must be valued, nurtured and respected so that every child and their families in Kildare has equal access to the highest quality childcare within their local communities. 

KCCC is a registered charity, funded via the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth/ Pobal. We employ 7 full time and one part time staff members. Our board at this present time consists of 7 voluntary members, who currently meet by virtual conference 6 to 8 times per year. 

If you would like to contribute to our work in Kildare and nationally, we would love to hear from you.  If you are interested, please contact Julie at
Information about KCCC, including Governance and Board/ Staff members can be found here: 

Trustee with Legal expereince

Published on 06.01.2025

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