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Poppintree Youth Project - Board Member

We’re looking for passionate, skilled individuals to join our Board of Management and help drive the future of our organization. If you're eager to contribute fresh ideas, expertise, and energy, we want you on our team!

We are a Community-based Youth Service in Ballymun, and we truly value having a strong community presence on our board. We’re looking for dedicated individuals who are interested in contributing at a board level and investing their time and commitment to help shape the  future of Poppintree Youth Project.  

Are you: 

  • Local Community Member 

  • Local Professional 

  • Qualified in Law, HR , Accounts 

  • Just eager to give back to the community 

While we deeply appreciate local community members, we also welcome all types of people and professionals, especially those with expertise in Accounts, HR, or Law.  

Our Board of Management is currently made up of 10 dedicated volunteers, all committed to supporting our mission. While all positions are currently filled, we’re looking to add new voices to our team.

As a Director on our Board, you will play a key role in overseeing the strategic direction of the organization, guiding decision-making, and ensuring we remain true to our mission. You’ll work alongside a dynamic group of individuals to help steer the organization through challenges and growth.

Our Board has three key subgroups that you can contribute to:

  • Policy Subgroup: Shape and refine the policies that govern our work, ensuring compliance and best practices.
  • Finance Subgroup: Oversee the financial health of the organization, providing strategic input on budgeting and financial planning.
  • Staffing Subgroup: Play a role in staffing decisions, recruitment, and fostering a positive organizational culture.


Director/Board of Management / Commitment Document:

As a voluntary member of the Board of Management of Poppintree Youth Project, you are expected to contribute to the ongoing development and success of the organization. Below are the outlined commitments and expectations associated with this role. 

Board Meeting Schedule 

The Board of Management holds regular meetings to discuss the governance and direction of Poppintree Youth Project. Meetings are scheduled approximately on the 3rd Monday of each month. The meetings typically start at 6:30 pm and end at approx.8:30 pm.  

Annual Meeting Schedule 

Typically we will have 8 board meetings in addition to our AGM which is scheduled annually in the month of June. 

We have no scheduled board meetings in: 

  • February  

  • August (Summer break) 

  • December (Christmas break) 

In addition to monthly board meetings, the Poppintree Youth Project operates with three essential subgroups to support the effective running of the organization: 

  • Finance Subgroup (Schedule on day on board meetings) 

  • Staffing Subgroup (Scheduled approx. 4 time a year) 

  • Policy Subgroup (Schedule a week prior to board meetings) 

There is an expectation that each board member will join at least one of these subgroups. These subgroups may meet monthly and serve to manage specific tasks related to their areas, helping to ensure the organization runs smoothly and effectively. 


 Commitment Overview 

  • Attend monthly board meetings, excluding the designated break months (February, August, and December). 

  • Join and actively participate in at least one of the three subgroups (Finance, Staffing, or Policy) to assist with the ongoing development and workload associated with that subgroup. 

  • Be engaged in discussions and decision-making processes that affect the overall strategy and governance of the Poppintree Youth Project. 

Thank you for your commitment and dedication to supporting the mission and work of Poppintree Youth Project. 

*Please note that the above information regarding meeting schedules and commitments is subject to change based on organizational needs. 

Poppintree Youth Project - Board Member

Published on 15.11.2024

Expires on 15.02.2025

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