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Board Director (with HR experience)

About Us:

South Dublin County Partnership is a Local Development Company in South Dublin County Council area (Tallaght, Clondalkin, Lucan). We develop and deliver projects to tackle poverty and social exclusion in the area. We do this through working together with people, local groups and partner organisations to address the issues that matter most.

Our values are underpinned and informed by a strong commitment to social justice and equality and are embedded in the practice of community development, both as an area of work and a way to engage with people and groups.



We are funded by several Government Departments and Statutory Bodies, including Department of Social Protection, Department of Rural and Community Development, Department of Education, Department of Health, Health Service Executive and South Dublin County Council, with income of circa. €12m in 2024.



We have a staff team of 120 people who work across 14 locations in the region.



SDCP declared full compliance with the Charity Regulatory Authorities Governance Code for the year 2023, and we have level 1 Trusted Charities mark.

We are governed by a Board of 12 - 16 voluntary Directors consisting of social partners, statutory agencies, and local community representatives, all of whom have extensive governance skills appropriate to this sector.


Time Requirements:

Board meetings take place eight times a year, in person, and at a location in either Tallaght or Clondalkin. Board meetings take place on a Wednesday morning from 8am – 10am.

Each Board Committee (including HR Committee) meets 6 times per year. The HR Committee meetings are 8:30am – 10:00am and can be attended in person or remotely.


Board Director and HR Committee member:

The Board are looking for a director who has experience and expertise in HR management.

The right applicant will contribute effectively as part of the board and will work with other board members to foster a supportive and inclusive atmosphere.


Some of the key requirements as part of this role will be to;

  • Contribute HR expertise in HR planning and decision matters.
  • Monitor the development and implementation of HR and Organisational Development Strategies to support the organisation’s service planning.
  • Contribute to the ongoing review of HR policies and practices of SDCP.


Term of Appointment:

The term for each board director is three (3) years, with a maximum of two terms.

Board Director (with HR experience)

Published on 30.01.2025

Expires on 21.02.2025

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